
Excellent universities meet innovative companies in Southern Lower Saxony. The Südniedersachsen-Innova­tionscampuss (SNIC) unfolds the enormous potential of the knowledge region and puts it into practice. For the first time, the SNIC is building a bridge between universities and industry, connecting them with partners from local authorities and chambers. This creates a unique cooperation for innovation from whose results all partners benefit. The financial support of technology consulting, the targeted search for application-related research results and a broad range of support services for innovative minds help to make the most of the innovation potential between the Harz and Weserbergland regions.

The job

My task was to develop a user-friendly and appealing WordPress website for the Südniedersachsen Innovation Hub. This website acts as a central platform in Southern Lower Saxony, where local coworking spaces, dry labs, prototyping facilities and information on business and social meetups are listed and published.

The technical implementation and design of the website allows users to easily access relevant information and explore resources in the region. By working closely with the SNIC team, we built a bespoke website that showcases the innovation and potential between the Harz and Weserbergland regions.

It was an inspiring project that allowed me to contribute to the local knowledge region and innovation.



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